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Meta PHoDcast 171: Pavle Pavlović, doctoral candidate in Humanities and Social Sciences

With Pavle Pavlović about big data, artificial intelligence, ethics, and methodology. #MetaPHoDcast Pavle Pavlović is a political scientist who joined the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana to pursue a PhD on the intersection of sociology, anthropology, and technology. He is researching emerging technologies with a focus on the last AI developments through the application of an open research design. His interest in big data already started during his master degree studies through the problem of paradigm shift between positivism and big data approach. He was interested in how to connect theories from social sciences and humanities with the field of technologies. Currently, we are in an AI summer expecting some big improvements in the research of artificial intelligence, but those expectations can lead to disappointment. Ethics can play a decisive role in directing our activities towards good outcomes, both for individuals and for the wider community. His approach deals with the relational connection between the different actors of the process, whether they are social or technological, and their intersection. He used methods from ethnography to investigate how ethics and values are distributed in the creation of algorithms. He followed programmers and data scientists at the Faculty of Computer Science in Ljubljana and observed their work and daily routine. Thus, he examined ethical networks that are influencing epistemic everyday practices. Do people in computer laboratories in their everyday professional routine think about regulations of artificial intelligence? Pavle challenged my questions with a counter question: do we generally think about ethics daily at all? He discovered that programmers and data scientists stress the importance of aesthetics and creativity in computer sciences and not just rationality as we might naively think. The processes behind our everyday life are much more complex than they appear at first hand, and any generalization and standardization of the rules of those same processes sometimes seems pointless due to the sporadicity and intuitiveness that accompany them. Pavle recommends reading books from anthropologist Agustin Fuentes such as The Creative Spark: How Imagination Made Humans Special and Why We Believe: Evolution and the Human Way of Being, which reveal all the rich ties that built humanity through the cooperation of actors. He would spend a day with professor Donna Harraway. He likes to go for long runs and swimming during the summer, and stressed the importance of having other hobbies besides PhD research. Furthermore, he would advise future PhD students to be organized and take notes from early on. ———— S Pavlom Pavlovićem o velikih podatkih, umetni inteligenci, etiki in metodologiji. Pavle Pavlović je politolog in doktorski študent na Fakulteti za družbene vede na Univerzo v Ljubljani. Doktorsko raziskavo opravlja na presečišču sociologije, antropologije in tehnologije. Raziskuje nastajajoče tehnologije s poudarkom na najnovejšem razvoju umetne inteligence. Njegovo zanimanje za velike podatke se je začelo že med magistrskim študijem skozi problem paradigmatskega obrata med pozitivizmom in pristopom velikih podatkov. Zanimalo ga je, kako povezati teorije družboslovja in humanistike s področjem tehnologij. Trenutno smo v pospešenem razvoju umetne inteligence, kjer pričakujemo nekaj velikih izboljšav v bližnji prihodnosti, a ta pričakovanja lahko vodijo v razočaranje. Etika lahko igra odločilno vlogo pri usmerjanju naših dejavnosti k dobrim rezultat...