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236: Tim Judah (posebni dopisnik The Economista)

Za uvod v 10. sezono podkasta Metin čaj gostimo britanskega novinarja in avtorja Tima Judah. Pogovarjamo se o pokrivanju Balkana in spremembah, ki se ne dogajajo v regiji, pa bi se morale, o vojni v Ukrajini, predsedovanju Balkanski preiskovalni mreži BIRN in freelancanju. #MetinČaj S10E01 TIM JUDAH – A journalist and author, covers the Balkans and other regions as a correspondent for The Economist. He has worked for many major publications and broadcasters, notably writing wartime reportage from Afghanistan to Ukraine for the New York Review of Books. He is the author of three books on the Balkans—The Serbs: History, Myth and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, Kosovo: War & Revenge and Kosovo: What Everyone Needs to Know—and published a book on the conflict in Ukraine – In Wartime: Stories from Ukraine in 2016. Furthermore, he is the president of the boards of the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) and the Kosovar Stability Initiative (IKS). Over the past two decades, Judah has worked around the world for The Economist, the New York Review of Books and others. He has notably reported from countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Madagascar, Niger, Senegal, Sudan, North Korea, Darfur, Haiti, France and Armenia. In spring 2022 he covered the Ukraine war for the New York Review of Books, The Economist and the Financial Times. He is shortlisted for the 2022 Bayeux-Calvedos award for war correspondents. Metin čaj je podkast o medijih, dobrih in slabih praksah, novih tehnologijah in trendih prihodnosti. Gostje v medijih delajo, z njimi živijo in o njih razmišljajo. Gostitelja sta Nataša Briški (Metina lista) in Aljaž Pengov Bitenc (Radio KAOS). Komentarji in predlogi dobrodošli tudi na #MetinČaj