Slovenski Podcasti

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Australia- a land of paradise for Slovenians? - Avstralija - raj za Slovence.

<p>Many Slovenians have immigrated Down Under in search of a better life, over the past decade or so. There are examples of new arrivals being falsely led into believing that life in Australia is opulent, luxurious and prosperous, with very little effort required to achieve success!</p><p>Many of these recently arrived Slovenian immigrants will testify that Australia being described as a 'utopian land of milk and honey' simply isn't true.</p><p>Is life in Australia really all that it's cracked up to be?</p><p>Mihaela moved to Victoria two years ago with her husband Zoran, and their children Loti and Erazem. Here's their story.</p> - <p>V svet s trebuhom za kruhom. Tako je bilo v petdesetih letih prejšnjega tisočletja, podobno se dogaja tudi danes.</p><p>V Avstralijo se je predvsem v zadnjem desetletju preselilo veliko število Slovencev, večinoma mladih družin, ki iščejo boljše, kvalitetnejše življenje nekje drugje.</p><p>Pa je življenje res tako popolno? Se v Avstraliji cedita med in mleko? Je Avstralija obljubljena dežela, kjer te čakajo služba, stanovanje in bajne plače? Ima vsaka zgodba srečen konec?</p><p>Prisluhnite Mihaelini zgodbi, ki se je pred dvema letoma z možem Zoranom in otrokoma Loti in Erazmom preselila na peti kontinent.</p><img src="" height="1" width="1"/>