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Fr Metod Ogorevc OFM visits Australia - pater Metod Ogorevc OFM na obisku v Avstraliji.

<p dir="ltr">Fr Metod Ogorevc OFM took over the leadership the Saints Cyril and Methodius Slovenian Catholic Mission in Kew in 1997, after the death of Fr Basil Valentin OFM OBE in July of that year. He led the mission for four years, up until 2001 when Fr Ciril Božič OFM, OAM, EV took over his role. Fr Metod was sent to Lemont in the USA, where he has been working as a priest at the Slovenian Catholic Center for the last 17 years.</p><p dir="ltr">He briefly visited Australia in late August and early September 2018 as part of the celebration for the 50th anniversary of the Saints Cyril and Methodius Slovenian Church in Kew, and the 45th anniversary of the Saint Rafael's Slovenian Church in Merrylands.</p><p dir="ltr">Fr Metod shares his memories of the time spent working as a priest in Australia, as well as sharing his thoughts about life in the USA, and the many challenges faced by the Slovenian Communities living in that country.</p> - <h3><span lang="sl">Pater Metod Ogorevc OFM je bil povabljen, da obišče Avstralijo v tem letu zlatega jubileja slovenske cerkve sv. bratov Cirilia in Metoda v Kewju, in praznovanja 45-letnice slovenske cerkve sv. Rafaela v Merrylandsu. </span></h3><h3><span lang="sl">Po smrti patra Bazilija Valentina OFM OBE je avgusta 1997 pater Metod prevzel vodstvo slovenskega misijona v Melbournu. To je opravljal do leta 2001, in od takrat deluje med rojaki v Lemontu pri Chicagu v Združenih državah Amerike, na ameriških Brezjah. </span></h3><h3><span lang="sl">Pater Metod je imel ta širši pogovor za slovensko oddajo na Radiu SBS, v katerem obuja spomine na čase, ki jih je preživel v Avstraliji. Ob enem, je spregovoril o življenju med slovenci v ZDA, ter o raznih izzivih, ki jih imajo kot tamkajšna skupnost. <br /></span></h3><img src="" height="1" width="1"/>