Slovenski Podcasti

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Is there any hope for the future of the Slovenian Community in Australia? - Kakšna je prihodnost slovenske skupnosti v Avstraliji?

<p>Dr Tony Lenko, president of Lipa Club on the Gold Coast speaks very candidly about what the future holds for the Slovenian Community in Australia. According to him, there's hope for the future, only if new ideas are introduced and embraced, and that there's mutual respect between the older and younger generations within the Slovenian Community. Dr Lenko feels very positive about the future of the Slovenian Community, provided the second and third generations Australian Slovenians, and younger recently arrived Slovenian immigrants are given the opportunity to be actively and positively involved by the older first generation, who are now slowly moving on. Without the next generations, the community is doomed!</p> - <p>Predsednik kluba Lipa Gold Coast Bocce, Dr Tony Lenko je zelo iskreno spregovoril o prihodnosti slovenske skupnosti v Avstraliji. Po njegovem mnenju leži prihodnost v rokah mladih, ki s svojimi idejami bogatijo sleherni klub. Pravi, da je medsebojno spoštovanje med starejšo in mlajšo generacijo ključnega pomena. Podpirajmo sveže ideje in omogočimo mlajši generaciji, da nadaljuje pot!</p><img src="" height="1" width="1"/>