Slovenski Podcasti
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Teslin robotaxi najbrž obstaja. Mogoče.
Tesla je predstavila robotaxi in Elon Musk je spet najbrž preveč optimistično obljubljal ... vse. Vprašanje: kdaj, pred proizvodnjo, se zakoliči telefon?Zapiski: Vprašaj Anžeta! Discord Elon Musk shows off two-seat robotaxi - Ars Technica The Tesla Cybercab is a cool-looking prototype that needed to be much more than that - The Verge The Optimus robots at Tesla’s Cybercab event were humans in disguise - The Verge The Tesla Robotaxi is Confusing… - YouTube Waymo - Self-Driving Cars - Autonomous Vehicles - Ride-Hail SpaceX Makes History Catching Rocket on Landing - YouTube
- Podkast: Tehnična podpora
- Objavljeno: 17.10.2024 07:46
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